New memoir: "Bad Fire" (a short book about stress and hallucination)

For a year or two, I was overcome by trauma-related stress, which was amplified by work-related stress. I recovered and was able to explain my feelings and experiences in a 30-page memoir. It touches on themes of Judaism, atheism, gender, weight loss, madness, and butterflies. This is intense and densely written. For several months, I rewrote it over and over. I’d be interested to know if anyone can relate to my story or my ideas. I hope the book can help someone, somehow.

As of today, it’s available as a paperback ($10) and as a Kindle eBook ($3, or free with Kindle Unlimited subscription). Kindle books can be read on any device. Because of the color illustrations, it will look best if you use a device that has color.

Kindle eBook:

In the back of the book, I mentioned The Arkive as a resource.

Tucker Lieberman


An update: I re-released this book in January 2021. It is 4 times longer, has a new cover, and can be ordered through independent bookstores (not just through Amazon).

Here’s a new URL with the details: